6 hours ago
Great Expectations II: 33 weeks
Weight/ Clothes: My weight stayed pretty much the same from my last check up, up about a pound...so I'm in a good place according to my midwife. I'm glad things have slowed down some in that department. My guess is I'll come in right at what I did with Levi.
This dress was my Mother's Day gift from Adam. I love it and need a few more excuses to wear it before Jellybean is born!
Cravings: Watermelon! I'm loving some watermelon. YUMMY!! We actually got one from the Haymarket...my first experience buying produce there. It was wonderfully sweet! I'm very happy with my first Haymarket buying experience. I'm going to have to shop there more often cause you can get quite the bargain on some produce.
Gender: Just trying to find the perfect take home outfit for Jellybean ... I've found something I like that is a variation on what we brought Levi home in, but sadly I've yet to find it in newborn size...so the hunt continues. Fingers crossed I can track down what I want or it's back to the drawing board.
Movement: Nothing new in terms of movement...active little guy even as space gets tighter and tighter.
Symptoms: This is the first week I've started having a hard time turning over in bed as if the whole sleeping thing wasn't already a bit of a challenge. Guess it's good practice for those sleepless nights that are once again headed our way. The good news is even those will ease up eventually.
I also spotted my first possible stretch mark of this pregnancy. I was really lucky with Levi that I didn't have any when all was said and done though I did see a couple lurking here and there at different points, SO I'm moisturizing A LOT and hoping to stave them off like I was able to do last time. We'll see how it goes.
Mental State: We took maternity pictures this week at Crane Beach in Ipswich. We had never been to that beach, but we'd heard it was lovely. Thankfully we could not have asked for better weather that evening and it's green fly season, but they left us alone as well. I was SO thankful! I can't wait to see them myself and then share them with you! I am so blessed with talented friends because I adored the maternity photos Allison took for us with Levi and I know Amy will put her special touch on the set this time around! My plan is to keep one of us expecting Levi in the nursery and then print one of just Adam and I reflecting on Jellybean and one of our whole family excited about Jellybean's arrival.
Adam and I also celebrated our 9th anniversary this week. 9 years has really flown by and we have had so many fun adventures, our latest of course being embarking into the land of parenthood. Every season of our lives together have been so special this one included. I can't wait to see what's to come as we watch our boys learn and grow.
The week wrapped up with Adam heading out of the country as he leads the youth missions trip to Colombia. Levi and I took him to the airport to see the team and Daddy off...Levi has been such a daddy's boy lately (which was a little challenging at the maternity shoot when he only wanted to be held by Adam), but in the end I guess it's good timing since I'll be holding and nursing another little guy in just a few weeks. Levi was also really sad to see Adam leave, but I kept reassuring him that Dad would be back soon enough. I am also so thankful that Adam's mom is coming to stay with us the entire time that Adam is away. Grandma and Grandpop will be here for a long weekend and then she's staying until Adam gets back. Being this pregnant and having the extra help with Levi is such a blessing! My mom may try to swing into town for a girls weekend as well while she's visiting. Fingers crossed that works out too. I'm so glad our parents and Levi have gotten to see so much of each other since he's been born. I'm hopeful the trend continues once Jellybean arrives as well!
Appointment Updates: I had a check up with the midwife to start out the week and we discussed what's been on my mind recently. I've been a little bummed that I haven't been able to track down the wonderful doula we used the last time around. I've emailed and texted her, but I've gotten no response. She was a grad student when Levi was born, so it's very likely she's moved away from Boston. I'm still bummed though because it would have been so nice to work with someone who's done this whole birthing thing with us before. My midwife said if I don't find someone this time, she wouldn't worry as much about it because we've been through the drill, Adam is familiar with how I handle labor and most likely this delivery will go quicker than Levi's (we can hope!) We're still discussing if we want to find someone else, it's just a little later in the game than I was hoping to be on the search.
I also told her I had some concerns about traveling when Jellybean is around 4 weeks old because we're scheduled to fly to Virginia for cabin weekend, but he may not have his vaccines yet, so I was beginning to stress out about all of those details and the timing of everything. She assured me it would be fine and I plan to talk to our pediatrician at Levi's 18 month appointment as well. I'm really excited for that weekend because it will be the first time some of our close friends like Haley and hopefully Thais get to meet Jellybean as well as Tati and Uncle Chris since Anna will be too pregnant to visit when Jellybean is born. I'm sure the timing will work it's way out, and I did feel some relief discussing things with her at my appointment.
To wrap up the appointment, my midwife did the quickest ultrasound to check that Jellybean was head down since he'd been breach at the 20 week sonogram. Good news is he's head down now, so yay for that! His heartbeat also sounded great!
Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating 9 years of married to Adam and taking time out to have our maternity pictures taken!
weekly journal
Great Expectations II: 32 weeks
Weight/ Clothes: I think the weight gain is slowing down...I'm not noticing as much fluctuation in how things fit. Otherwise, I don't have too much to report in terms of weight or clothing. Still feeling good in my wardrobe.
This week's dress in the bump pictures is what I picked up to wear on the beach in my maternity pictures! So excited to have them taken. Fingers crossed the dress flatters in all the right ways like I'm envisioning.
Cravings: Lots of water...I've been a little more thirsty and motivated to drink more since the OB said it could help with my Braxton Hicks and my heartburn. I've also been putting sliced lemons in my large hospital cup to keep my hydration motivation up. I can be so bad about drinking water sometimes. Early on in the pregnancy I was all about fizzy water and now I'm between that or lemon water. YUM!
Gender: Feeling excited for Levi to have a little brother.
Movement: Still on the move anytime I think about him and definitely get some rippling belly moments which is always pretty crazy to watch.
Symptoms: A new symptom I'm having on occasion is a charlie horse in my calf. These usually occur while I'm trying to get to sleep...man those hurt!! As soon as I feel one coming on I try so hard to stretch and make it stop because once it's kicked in I am a sore cookie and the pain lingers even until the next day.
Persistent heartburn that can at times make it hard to sleep but that probably won't be going anywhere until Jellybean is born. Not too much longer now...which is also crazy!
I've noticed my eye isn't twitching that often these days, which is so opposite my pregnancy with Levi when it started twitching towards the end. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! I am very happy with less eye twitching to drive me crazy! Woohoo!
Mental State: This week I photographed our church's Vacation Bible School, which we call Kidsweek. I was so thankful my energy was up for the volunteer opportunity. Levi enjoyed being in the nursery while I volunteered and he took great naps every day after all that social interaction, so I also got some good downtime after my morning photo work was done. It was a great way to volunteer because I could work at my own pace, take breaks if I needed them and see all the inner workings of Kidsweek, which I had yet to check out these past two summers. It will be really fun when Levi gets to attend in two years followed by Jellybean. They're going to LOVE it!
Appointment Updates: I have an appointment the start of next week...they're every couple of weeks now.
Best Moment of the Week: It's not really pregnancy related, but it was really fun to see the Kidsweek slideshow on Friday and see all the pictures that me and the other photogs had captured of the week. There was a great shot of Levi in the nursery...I'm so glad I was able to volunteer and keep up even at 32 weeks pregnant.
weekly journal
Great Expectations II: 31 weeks
Weight/ Clothes: Funny to note...but Adam commented as he was taking this week's bump photos that it is becoming harder to see my feet...hadn't thought much about it, but it's so true!
I was a little surprised when I stepped on the scale at my OB appointment this week having now gained 30 lbs. I'm tracking right along with my weight gain from my pregnancy with Levi, but I thought I was more behind and that just wasn't the case. My midwife gets way more concerned about my weight whereas the OB this visit wasn't concerned one bit. I asked him about it since I really haven't been eating all the differently than when I'm not pregnant and he said all was just fine. I just keep reminding myself that your body gains what it needs to for the baby as long as I don't go crazy eating a gallon of ice cream a night or anything silly like that, which I don't.
Friends have also said that they think I'm carrying differently this time and Adam agrees. I think they're right too. I carried a little more all over last time and this time it's even more like I stuffed a big basketball under my shirt. I'm all belly for the most part. Fun fun!
Cravings: I'm craving sweets a little more than usual this time around, especially with it being summer. Nothing like a delicious scoop of ice cream on a cone...but thankfully I don't go crazy and only occasionally splurge on desserts.
Gender: Nothing much to report here this week.
Movement: The baby is very active. I need only think about him and I can usually feel some little movement and at other times my whole belly is shifting around, which always feels a little alien like.
Symptoms: I started the week out really tired! Not sure if it was my early morning wake up to fly out of Newport news at 6am or just recovering from all the fun in Virginia the last two weeks or the HEAT! Thankfully the latter part of the week cooled off some and I found a bit of my energy returning thank goodness because I know I'm in my third trimester already and I will be tired, but it is so hard to be tired when you have a toddler to run around after and take out to burn energy at the park and such. Thankfully I bought him a water table for the patio for the days when I just can't muster the energy to get over to the park, which is sad because it's not far from our front door at all. I'll do the best I can and try to be good about going to bed earlier and napping when Levi naps.
Mental State: I was definitely worried about my energy levels. It's too soon to be on the downward slope. I need more time to be high energy before pooping out and feeling ready for this baby to arrive. That can happen after Adam has gone to Colombia and returned home, though I will luckily have help from his mom here the whole time he's away. I'm so thankful for that because I won't have to be quite as worried about my energy. Fingers crossed I was just recovering and in need of a vacation from our little Virginia vacation. We'll see how it goes next week.
Appointment Updates: I saw my OB this week and he was really happy with how everything is going. He says we're just monitoring for early labor now...whoa, already?! That was quick! No signs of anything though thankfully since it's still a while till I'm officially full term. The biggest thing I'm dealing with is my heartburn which can be SO SO painful! He's going to have me try another heartburn medicine, Nexium instead of Zantac, to see if it provides any better relief, so we'll try that and see how it goes. At least I know the heartburn will get better once baby boy is here and he'll probably have hair just like his brother.
Best Moment of the Week: Reuniting with Adam...it was so fun when Levi saw him at the airport. He yelled Dada with such enthusiasm right when he spotted him. I love Virginia and all of our family and friends, but it's not the same without Adam. It's SO good to be home and all together again.
weekly journal
Great Expectations II: Weeks 29 and 30
How Far: 29 and 30 weeks
I combined these weeks because I was visiting Virginia and everything blended together.
I combined these weeks because I was visiting Virginia and everything blended together.
Weight/ Clothes: I felt REALLY pregnant at my cousin's wedding starting off these two weeks, probably since I had just seen each other at Paola's bridal shower when I was barely showing at all...so it was quite the difference bump wise going from 16 weeks to now 29 weeks! I also didn't dance quite as much as usual since it was a night wedding and by evening my belly just feels heavy most nights. Too bad I can't hand it off for Adam to carry for a bit, so I can rest. HAHA!
I inherited more summery maternity pieces!! Haley lent me some really cute tops as did Courtney since Haley had her stash as well. I even borrowed a great pair of denim shorts from Court! Cousin Sarah also brought me a few summery tops from her maternity collection, so I'm feeling SET! I then paid it forward by bringing my sister all of my maternity sweaters and much more wintery gear to borrow since I certainly won't be needing those pieces this time around being due in September.
I'm getting TONS of use out of my maternity bathing suit too! That was the best five bucks I think I've ever spent since I bought it out of season in October when I was expecting Levi and getting ready for our babymoon. While in New York and Virginia, we visited the pool and the beach multiple days while we were there. Having a bit of a tan is also helping immensely! It's amazing what a few shadows can do for your self esteem when you don't quite feel like yourself, so as my visit in Virginia went on I felt better and better about my pregnant shape. Let's hope the good vibes keep up :).
Cravings: I was really excited to eat stuffed eggplant at Zia's with Mom while I was visiting as well as deliciousness off the grill and out of the Herndon's vegetable garden. YUMMY!
Gender: I had a ball shopping with my mom and sister. Mom, Levi and I headed down to Raleigh to check out Anna and Chris's new place and of course we did some major baby shopping. Anna knew of this adorable baby boutique that had so many gorgeous smocked dresses, so we had a ball picking things out for my niece. We found a few special items for Jellybean too, but I'm really picky when it comes to boy clothes since we already have so many great pieces and especially in that genre because they can be a tad effeminate for me. We did find an adorable blue corduroy smocked jumper for the fall or winter that I more than approved of and some matching Christmas pjs for next Christmas that were killer! We also did some mostly girlie shopping for my niece at Carters. I'm so thrilled I get to still pick out all the girlie things even though I have boys since my sister is having a girl. Now we get to shop for both and it's too fun!
Mom or Nana as my boys know her also wanted to find a few more special pieces for Jellybean while we were visiting, so Grandma kept Levi and she and I headed to the Williamsburg outlets to see what we could find. While we still haven't found the perfect coming home piece, we did get some adorable stuff like matching overalls for Levi and Jellybean from OshGosh and some sweet newborn outfits from Carters since of course Mom had Carter's Cash to spend after shopping for Talia (my niece's actual name) at Carters the weekend before. And no outlet trip would be complete with Nana without a trip to Ralph Lauren to check out his baby clothes. We found some adorable dresses there too...my niece is going to be sooo well dresses, of course who had any doubts about that and we found a few items for Jellybean too...though we didn't make out quite as well this time around on the boys end of things as we had shopping there for Levi when I was pregnant the first time. Too much fun though! I don't plan to have my boys be matchy matchy all the time, but it's fun to have a few pieces that are.
Movement: Jellybean is definitely moving regularly now a days. I need only think about him and I can usually pick up on some small movement. My mom felt him move for the first time this visit, which has been more of a challenge due to my placental placement in the front. Levi has also become a little more aware of the bump giving it the occasional kiss, maybe he is finally catching on to the fact that he is going to be a big brother. I can't wait for the first time his little brother moves when he is leaning on the bump or laying his head near it. His reaction will surely be an interesting one I'm sure.
Symptoms: Just my TERRIBLE heartburn, which I have somewhat under control with Zantac in the morning and at night and then the occasional Tums on top of that...until that one night when I ran out of Zantac and could not sleep because of the pain. Robin thankfully offered to run out and get me some at 1:30am. I was SOOOOO thankful because I was ready to run out to the store myself for fear of an entire night without sleep. Thankfully the Zantac and a dose of regular strength tylenol finally kicked in and had me on my way to dreamland. It is crazy how painful it is though...I get a bit of relief when I turn over, but soon enough it's burning on the other side. I will be so excited when this symptom is behind me!
The occasional Braxton hicks...especially in the car since I can get pretty uncomfortable with my sitting position while in the passenger seat of most cars.
Speaking of sitting, I've started to get light headed occasionally from certain sitting positions mostly in chairs. My belly and low blood pressure are to blame for this. It's like my belly manages to cut off my circulation and the next thing I know I'm getting light headed. Standing up or sitting on the floor seems to take care of the problem though, so I'm thankful it's an easy fix.
Mental State: While we missed Adam terribly during our two week stay in Virginia (he was doing his two weeks of Airforce reserve duty), Levi and I had a blast visiting with so many friends and family. The grandparents all got a good dose of time with their grandbaby and I got to take the occasional break for some adult time too. The first week we enjoyed visiting with our New York family both on my mom's and dad's side. It had been a long time since they had seen Levi last and he had grown so much!
Then we got to Robin's in time for a visit with Levi's cousins who live in Northern Virginia...Taylor and Scotty's kiddos We headed to the beach with them and Levi had a blast playing in the sand. It will be so much fun having two boys to watch playing at the beach next summer. That visit was followed by a trip with the Gage Clan to the Norfolk zoo and a visit with his cousin's who live outside of Charlottesville, Sarah and Raph and their little ones. We got to meet their newest addition, Everette, and Levi planted a big wet kiss and hug on him when he was laying on the floor. It was too cute and there wasn't a lick of jealousy this go round, so that's progress too! It was so much fun watching him play with the cousins his own age and we all went to a lovely dinner and then the aquarium the next day. I'm so glad our kids will have so many cousins close in age as they grow up because I know I loved having those relationships as a kid and I still do! We'll look forward to seeing the Charlottesville cousins again in October when we come into town for Cabin Weekend with Levi and his new baby brother!!
Then it was off to Raleigh with Nana to visit Tati and Uncle Chris and spoil my soon to be new niece!
This small excursion was followed by an adults only trip to see my best friend Haley who became a new mom just two months ago. It's still so surreal to think as I was holding her baby Sawyer that I will have a newborn again in just a couple months! Oh my goodness this pregnancy just keeps flying by!!! I love our sweet tradition of visiting each other when becoming a new mom and I'm so glad I got to spend some quality time with Courtney both on our trip to see Lindsey and Haley before she leaves for Japan in the fall. I've been spoiled by all this best friend time because I will say being home with kiddos can have it's days when you miss getting to see other adults and especially those that are so easy to just pick back up with since you've known them forever and they know you inside and out!
Our Virginia trip wrapped up with a visit with Laura and her kiddos who I hadn't seen in two years. We had so much fun together catching up and it was as if we hadn't even moved in opposite directions. We took the kiddos to an amazing petting zoo at Hunt Club Farm, followed by water fun in the backyard and a day at the beach the next day. I loved watching her and her kids and thinking that's what the age gap will pretty much look like with my two littles ones. Good to know you can survive, conquer and thrive!
The week wrapped up with a visit with my dinner club girls...oh how far we've all come as many of us are now moms and the conversations definitely look different with each visit...such as advice on potty training and language development. I also enjoyed an OSL adults only night out on the town. It was pretty much our Italy crew minus Adam, we all missed him! Grandparents rocked watching all the kiddos for the evening so we could enjoy dinner and postponed 4th of July fireworks.
We spent our last day at the bay by my mom's house with Nana and Grandma, who were both in heaven watching their grandson play in the sand and water. The water was so calm too which was AWESOME! We will definitely be frequenting that beach next summer when I am outnumbered by two kiddos.
It was a fun filled, wonderful trip full of awesome visits, new memories and pictures of course, but it was so good to also get home to Adam. He works so hard to provide and I'm so thankful he's understanding when I take Levi away for two weeks not only because it's helpful for me to be around family when he's away for extended times, but it's also so rejuvenating to be around old friends and our wonderful family.
Appointment Updates: I have an appointment next week when I get home to Boston. I'll be checking in about the heartburn and the lightheadedness just in case there is some other options for heartburn relief and to be sure there's nothing I should be worried about with the lightheadedness.
Best Moment of the Week: There were too many highlights to pick a best...the best was just our trip overall! Thanks everyone for making it a wonderful visit! Can't wait for our next visit in October with our new baby boy in tow!
weekly journal
Great Expectations II: 28 weeks
Weight/ Clothes: I'm feeling good on the clothing front as we head into the warmer weather. We'll see if I still feel this way after a couple weeks in hot/ humid Virginia which is coming up very soon now.
I need to decide what I'm wearing to my cousin's wedding this weekend. It should be fun to be preggo with my sister at the wedding though I'm going to be the one that looks REALLY pregnant in comparison because she is just beginning to show. Hopefully we'll get a few cute bump pictures together!
Cravings: Adam says I'm craving pancakes because I make them at least once a week. I'm not sure if I've necessarily been craving them like last time when I really was, but I like them a lot and so does Levi and I think it's fun to have pancakes for breakfast as a family once a week or so...therefore all the pancake cooking...but most of the time I save it for once a week like I said.
Movement: Still moving around now and then...of course when someone goes to feel the baby move, he stops. Doesn't want to perform for an audience already! It starts early I guess.
Symptoms: Still my heartburn...OUCH!
My eye is still twitching occasionally but either I've learned to live with it better or it's not happening quite as much because I don't notice it as often anymore.
Mental State: Packing for two weeks in Virginia and thinking about how crazy it is going to be to pack for myself and two kiddos in just a few months. I already tend to overpack which can be tricky with flying and weight requirements, so fingers crossed I can get my packing needs honed for myself and the boys. At least once we have to start buying Levi a ticket, I'll probably pack his own bag or one for him and his brother. Guess we'll see about all of that when the time comes.
Appointment Updates: Passed my sugar test with flying colors, so I was thankful for that. My appointment was at 7:50am and anyone who knows me knows I am far from a morning person, so I rolled into the office. Drank my gross sugary beverage before I'd even had my one cup of morning coffee and went to my appointment. My midwife kept asking if I was feeling okay because I didn't look like myself...yup further confirmation that this girl is not a morning person though I wish I was cause it would just make life easier. I assured her I was fine and just hadn't had my one cup of coffee to help wake up or breakfast yet even and she then understood. After my appointment I headed back to the lab to wait out the rest of my hour and have my blood drawn hoping all would be well since I was headed to New York and then Virginia in just a few days, so who knows where I'd fit in the three hour test. Thankfully the results came back and all was well with my sugars, phew!
Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating my cousin Josh and Paola's wedding and reuniting with the Sacks family, while also getting to visit with all my cousins on my mom's side. I'm so lucky everyone is in the same place at moments like that. I was thankful Adam could come to the wedding and join in all the fun and catching up before heading to his Airforce base to start his reserve duty even if it meant leaving from the wedding to head to New Jersey. It was also wonderful to see my sister and Chris for a happy occasion and catch up with them since finding out I'm having a NIECE...especially since the last time we were together was for my Nana's memorial at Arlington.
PS...and another cute one of my little Levi for good measure!
weekly journal
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