Great Expectations II: 31 weeks

How Far: 31 weeks

Weight/ Clothes: Funny to note...but Adam commented as he was taking this week's bump photos that it is becoming harder to see my feet...hadn't thought much about it, but it's so true!

I was a little surprised when I stepped on the scale at my OB appointment this week having now gained 30 lbs. I'm tracking right along with my weight gain from my pregnancy with Levi, but I thought I was more behind and that just wasn't the case. My midwife gets way more concerned about my weight whereas the OB this visit wasn't concerned one bit. I asked him about it since I really haven't been eating all the differently than when I'm not pregnant and he said all was just fine. I just keep reminding myself that your body gains what it needs to for the baby as long as I don't go crazy eating a gallon of ice cream a night or anything silly like that, which I don't.

Friends have also said that they think I'm carrying differently this time and Adam agrees. I think they're right too. I carried a little more all over last time and this time it's even more like I stuffed a big basketball under my shirt. I'm all belly for the most part. Fun fun!

Cravings: I'm craving sweets a little more than usual this time around, especially with it being summer. Nothing like a delicious scoop of ice cream on a cone...but thankfully I don't go crazy and only occasionally splurge on desserts.

Gender: Nothing much to report here this week.

Movement: The baby is very active. I need only think about him and I can usually feel some little movement and at other times my whole belly is shifting around, which always feels a little alien like.

Symptoms: I started the week out really tired! Not sure if it was my early morning wake up  to fly out of Newport news at 6am or just recovering from all the fun in Virginia the last two weeks or the HEAT! Thankfully the latter part of the week cooled off some and I found a bit of my energy returning thank goodness because I know I'm in my third trimester already and I will be tired, but it is so hard to be tired when you have a toddler to run around after and take out to burn energy at the park and such. Thankfully I bought him a water table for the patio for the days when I just can't muster the energy to get over to the park, which is sad because it's not far from our front door at all. I'll do the best I can and try to be good about going to bed earlier and napping when Levi naps.

Mental State: I was definitely worried about my energy levels. It's too soon to be on the downward slope. I need more time to be high energy before pooping out and feeling ready for this baby to arrive. That can happen after Adam has gone to Colombia and returned home, though I will luckily have help from his mom here the whole time he's away. I'm so thankful for that because I won't have to be quite as worried about my energy. Fingers crossed I was just recovering and in need of a vacation from our little Virginia vacation. We'll see how it goes next week.

Appointment Updates
: I saw my OB this week and he was really happy with how everything is going. He says we're just monitoring for early labor now...whoa, already?! That was quick! No signs of anything though thankfully since it's still a while till I'm officially full term. The biggest thing I'm dealing with is my heartburn which can be SO SO painful! He's going to have me try another heartburn medicine, Nexium instead of Zantac, to see if it provides any better relief, so we'll try that and see how it goes. At least I know the heartburn will get better once baby boy is here and he'll probably have hair just like his brother.

Best Moment of the Week: Reuniting with was so fun when Levi saw him at the airport. He yelled Dada with such enthusiasm right when he spotted him. I love Virginia and all of our family and friends, but it's not the same without Adam. It's SO good to be home and all together again.

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