Fruit Size Comparison: pumpkin
Weight/ Clothes: Maintained the same weight (gained 40lbs on the dot) and same clothing fit from the last two weeks through the end of the pregnancy. Wearing what's the most comfortable at this point. Shoes are tight because my feet are so puffy. I don't think my feet have gotten any longer/ larger size wise, but they are just bigger from swelling. I'm trying to keep my feet elevated and wear looser shoes. I also bought snow boots this week, but of course they require Adam's help for me to get them on and off. I bought a bigger size to accommodate thick socks and for now my swollen feet.
Cravings: pancakes and scones (scones even play into my birth story...coming soon).
Gender: Our baby boy decides to make his big entrance at the end of this week and we finally revealed his name!! Welcome to the world Levi Sheldon Herndon!
Movement: Baby Boy was laying low, very low this week, but still moving around as usual. A kick here...a jab there. It was crazy trying to walk around. We walked to a movie Saturday night and lunch on Sunday and it felt like the baby was literally sitting on my urethra making it feel like I had to pee constantly even when I did not. Needless to say it made it hard to want to go anywhere because I was so uncomfortable.
Symptoms: The eye twitch continued as did the heartburn. Sadly both these symptoms have not disappeared after the birth.
Pelvic pressure!!
Contractions began on January 28th and ended with the birth of our son on January 29th!
Mental State: Felt ready to have a baby. Everything on my to do list was finished and I was hoping he wouldn't wait too long to make his grand entrance. Come to find out he'd come a day before his due date.
Appointment Updates: I was supposed to have another check up the day Levi was born, so needless to appointment update other than actual labor and progress checks AT THE HOSPITAL!!
Best Moment of the Week: Levi Sheldon Herndon was born January 29, 2013 (one day before my due date) at 12:35pm weighing in at 7lbs 11oz and measuring 20.5 inches. We're so in love!! Birth story to be written and posted soon.
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