It's raining interviews...keep em coming!

I know I've been MIA recently from the blog world, but for good reason I promise.
This past week has been the week of interviews and they're not over yet.

Last week I had a phone interview on Tuesday with a great pharmaceutical company, Roche. Then the district manager called to schedule my next interview which occurred last Thursday. Up to this point those interviews have all gone well, but there are more to come in the process if they decide to continue in the hiring process with me. Then today, I had an interview with the person who is pretty much the gatekeeper to all ESL jobs in the Virginia Beach school district and it went very well. There is an ESL job at one of the local middle schools and I needed her stamp of approval before the principal there would think about contacting me. She was excited to meet a fellow Wildcat and even called Caroline Bernard for a reference. GO GREAT BRIDGE! I've also applied for a part-time theater job at Kempsville High School, but I'd rather be working full-time, so I'm not sure where that is going to lead. So the common thread in all of these interviews was the comment, "You present yourself well." Please keep your fingers crossed that that means well enough to get another interview that will lead to a JOB! I appreciate all of your prayers and will continue to keep everyone posted. I know I'll wind up in the right spot, it's just a matter of time now.


Cola said...

You go, girl!!! The right job for you is will find you! Keep the faith! XOXOXO Cola

Jonathan and Missy Wetherington said...

Good luck with all the interviews!! I'll be praying for you! Keep us updated! :)

Melin said...

You keep the faith, we know that the perfect job is out there for you, the old saying truly applies here.. great things come to those that wait and lord knows you have been patiently waiting, Brad and I pray for you everyday and we know it is just a matter of time. We love you and are so proud of you!!!! Can't wait till all of this is behind you and you will be telling tales of your new adventures. Love ya, Momma

Unknown said...

It's no surprise that they think you present well...that's just 'cause you're awesome! I'll call you this afternoon to get the details:)

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Finally!!!

Andrew McCormick said...

Good luck!

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