We're representing for UVA this week in our orange and blue since my HOOS are in the sweet 16!
Weight/ Clothes: I'm starting to show a little higher and friends have confirmed that I indeed am beginning to look pregnant, not just chubby. I did pull out my first maternity items this week...leggings and a new maternity shirt that I picked up at H&M. It was the style of one of my favorites the last time around just in a different color scheme. Otherwise I'm still wearing my normal jeans and can even still button most of them comfortably based on where the bump is falling.
Cravings: Nothing in particular. Boring I know.
Gender: I figured out what I think I want to do for our gender reveal this time around. Adam had requested a smaller scaled event where it would just be the two of us rather than a big party, so I've been brainstorming cute ideas for the two of us finding out since I'd rather not just find out at the ultrasound. What have I landed on you may be wondering?? Well we are headed to a Red Sox vs Yankees game the night of our ultrasound...so I have to look into whether this is even possible or reasonable to attempt...but I'm going to see if I can get the gender posted on the jumbo-tron at the game. You know the way they post happy birthdays and such. I wouldn't even have to know ahead of time because I could just deliver the envelope to the office of whomever takes care of those announcements. I also plan to have a back up envelope since I won't know the person posting this news and I'll want to be able to double check what the doctor wrote. I'll keep you posted as I find out if this will become a reality or if I need to go back to the drawing board.
Movement: Nothing yet.
Symptoms: I'm feeling pretty good this week. The sickness stage of things seems to have passed and I'm getting my energy back, which was great timing since I had an overnight trip to New York planned by myself to attend my cousin's bridal shower.
My eye twitching has ALREADY returned!! I can't believe it since this didn't come on as a symptom until the last month or so with Levi, but here we are at week 16 and it's already started. It happens periodically in either eye...not usually at the same time thankfully. At least it's not painful, just REALLY annoying! I'm pretty sure it's related to fatigue, so I'm trying to rest when I can...nap when Levi naps and sleep well at night between trouble dozing off and waking to pee two-three times a night. At least I'm still perfectly comfortable sleeping once I manage to fall asleep.
Mental State: This was an exciting weekend! It was my first overnight away from Levi. He has pretty much weaned because my milk supply has changed drastically since becoming pregnant. This meant Adam could keep him overnight easily and I didn't need to worry about pumping. It was a great practice run because I'm planning a trip in late May to visit my friend Lindsey who is having her first baby and without Levi along for the trip I'll be able to truly lend a hand. It was so nice to know that I married Superdad...he checked Levi into the nursery during youth group Friday night (and it helped that he wasnt preaching that evening), sent me a morning video, took Levi to the park, a triathlon convention at MIT after which Levi took a 2.5 hour nap...we don't see many of those around these parts...and then they went grocery shopping, hung out, had dinner and Levi even got a bath. I got home late that night and was so thankful that it all went well. I don't foresee too many more trips on my own coming up beyond the May trip when my mom plans to come and lend a hand since I'll be gone for a few days and Adam works weekends with youth group Friday night and church responsibilities Sunday morning.
Appointment Updates: My next appointment is coming up next week.
Best Moment of the Week: Hearing how well things went for Adam and Levi while I was away celebrating my soon to be cousin Paola. It was wonderful getting to catch up and spend time with my aunts and cousins on my Dad's side. The wedding is going to be so much fun in June!
Oh and I scheduled my maternity photos for this summer too!! They'll be in July right before Adam leaves for the Columbia missions trip at one of our local beaches on the North Shore. Adam was surprised I thought we should have another set done, but I explained that it's different this time because Levi will be in these this time around and this baby needs the same treatment as our first right!
1 comment:
I love how the gender reveal for just you and Adam could also include an entire stadium of strangers!
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