Wicked 10K

After a few weeks of training, I was able to run my first 10K! The race was held on Halloween down at the oceanfront. Check out some of the costumes people actually ran in!

Here's a fish... and Elvis...and the Wizard of Oz...and what did I dress up as for the race you may ask? I went disguised as a runner (haha)...and there I am getting ready to cross the finish line and get my medal!
(Can you see me? I'm right beside the clock the race's black shirt and black leggings.)I ran with a couple of ladies who help out with our youth group!
Way to go Mary Ann and Lisa! We did it!Yay for completing 6.2 miles. That is my longest run yet.
I'll let you know what's to come when I decide what distance to tackle next, but for now I am thrilled to have completed a 10K!

1 comment:

Thais said...

So proud of you! We'll be running a half marathon together soon, I can feel it.

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