Well we are all moved in!!! What a fantastic birthday gift for my 26th birthday! It took exactly two months and the place was complete and I will have many pictures to share very soon...(due to the move, I've had trouble getting my camera and a computer in the same place to upload the latest and final renovation shots before pictures are taken of the place completed and decorated). We're almost completely out of boxes (though they're lining the front porch until they can be gotten rid of). Sunday night we slept at the house for the first time and I had forgotten how WONDERFUL our bed is! I slept like a rock...I am really spoiled by our mattress. It is really beginning to feel like a home with art on the walls and pictures on display and we can't wait to have everyone over to visit and create new memories. I'm hoping to have a house warming in November to celebrate and I'll let you know when it will be soon! We never got to have one with our place in Mass. because we didn't know anybody when we moved up there, but now hopefully many will come out to celebrate with us!
I have some other updates to post about too...
1. Adam and I went to the Redskins home opener. We tailgated and had a great time at the game. The stadium is massive! (Pictures coming soon.)
2. Since my 5k with Thais this summer I've been wanting to sign up for a longer race, but wasn't quite ready for the Rock'n'Roll half. I've been reading as a couple friends, Shelby and Laura, are training for races as well and I got inspired, and I signed up for the Wicked 10k on Halloween and I've begun training...at 5:30am! I've done it two mornings this week and wow I had so much energy the rest of the day! Not only that, but I had never run over 1.5 miles without stopping to walk for 1 minute to catch my breath and then keep going, but the past two times I've run with Paul, Brian and Lisa who are Middle School Leaders with us at church I've run 2.5 miles without stopping! I am so excited! I can't wait for the race. Hopefully my time and distance will continue to improve with each run.

Check back soon because I promise to post pictures of all the progress!!!
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